
BIPOC Person holding the Pride Flag with Pride!

We Are Queer Expression

We are a Queer-owned online store offering a diverse collection of LGBTQ+ themed stickers and related items.

We are driven by the belief that everyone should be free to express their true selves and feel confident and proud of who they are.

The name “Lavender Expressions” symbolises the soothing power of lavender, which is often associated with calmness and serenity. It represents a safe and inclusive space where individuals can find designs to express their true self.

Queer India - From our lens

Our Story

In a world where acceptance and understanding have been elusive for the queer community, I decided to start LE. I know firsthand the struggles of self-discovery and acceptance, and my journey began with a burning desire to create a safe space for every person to freely express their true selves.

Growing up in India, I experienced the challenges of navigating a society where being Queer was often misunderstood or even shunned. In my own personal journey of self-acceptance, I found courage in exploring my identity abroad. It was during this transformative time that the seed of Lavender Expressions was planted, nurtured by the love and support I received from my family.

Embracing my true self as a non-binary lesbian, I realized the power of self-expression in finding joy, authenticity, and connection. However, the realization of the struggles faced by countless others in India ignited a fire within me.

I witnessed how limited representation and understanding left many feeling isolated, invisible, and unheard.

And so, I decided to start Lavender Expressions. 

It's more than a business to me; it is a movement fueled by the belief that every individual deserves the freedom to live proudly. Our mission is to create a world where self-expression is celebrated, and everyone feels seen, validated, and loved.

I understand the weight of vulnerability and the importance of finding a safe space to express oneself. That’s why every design, every sticker we create is designed with love and intention for the LGBTQ+ community in India. 

My aim is to empower and uplift, to spark conversations and ignite a sense of belonging. Each sticker carries a story, a message that speaks to the heart and soul of those who use them.

But Lavender Expressions is not just about stickers; it’s about creating connections, building a community, and amplifying voices. 

We are here to provide resources, support, and education, to stand alongside individuals on their journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

Together, we will rewrite the narrative, challenge stereotypes, and foster a world that celebrates love, diversity, and inclusivity.

I invite you to join us. Let’s spread love, understanding, and acceptance, one sticker at a time. 

Together, we can create a more compassionate world where everyone can express their true selves, their Lavender Expressions.

  • Our mission

    Our mission at Lavender Expressions is to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals from LGBTQ+ community in India can express their true selves with confidence and pride.

  • Our Vision

    At Lavender Expressions, our vision is to cultivate a world where being queer and brown is accepted and celebrated. We envision a society that embraces diversity, respects individuality, and provides equal opportunities for everyone.